# DoS ATTACK (What-How-Prevent)

DOS attack also called as Denial-Of-Service attack.Its one of the popular attack in the cyber world.One of the purpose of the cyber criminals to launch the DOS and D-DOS(Distributed-Denial-Of-Service) attack to compromise the resources provided by the target to the legitimate users and customers. In this attack attacker or hacker uses all the provided bandwidth,traffic segment and resources to stop services of the targeted enterprise.Due to this issue legitimate users unable to get or access the services provided by that company/enterprise.

BY DEFINATIONdenial-of-service (DoS) is any type of attack where the attackers or hackers attempt to prevent legitimate users from accessing the service or service they trying to access.

Their are basically two types of DoS attacks are there: 
First: Network Based
Second: Web Based

Right today world is facing the DDoS attack from multiple station and from all over the world.Mostly the DDoS attack targets are E-Commerce,Businesses,Government and Entertainment sector.The global chart for the DOS attack is as:

As a result France-based hosting provider OVH was the victim to the record-breaking Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that reached over one terabit per second (1 Tbps)  in 2016.The biggest DDoS attack ever.

Basics of DoS attack:
 Their are several techniques of DoS/DDoS attack like bandwidth and service request flood,SYN flood attack,ICMP flood attack,Peer-to-Peer attack,application level flood attack(HTTP flooding).
Pictorial representation of DoS or DDoS attack is as:
In this image number of BOTS/Clients trying to consume resources of targeted server.

How to DOS and DDoS attack ?

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Oww!!! Shittt!!!!

You can able to launch DoS or even DDoS attack by using the tools called HOIC(High Orbit Ion Cannon) and LOIC(Low Orbit Ion Cannon).These tools are very powerful to launch DoS and DDoS attack.These tools works on both web based attack and network level attacks.All the cyber criminals tend to use that tools.

Download Link: High_Orbit_Ion_Cannon  and   Low_Orbit_Ion_Cannon

Video tutorial for both HOIC and LOIC in following video.

WARNING!!!!  Use this tools on your own property to check whether your system handle DoS attack or not in Penetration Testing Framework.Using this tool on another's property is illegal.

How to prevent and countermeasures of DoS and DDoS attack ?

  • Always implement port security in your systems might be Web Server or just a host machine.To learn more about go to LEARN_PORT.
  • Configure system level firewall properly ,so that unknown traffic should be blocked.
  • Implement proper IDS and IPS systems to the network.
  • Apply WAF (Web Application Firewall ) for securing websites and web servers.
  • Implement high risk strategies in case very strong DDoS attack vector on your own web property.To learn more about high risk strategies and sudden actions on DoS attack go to CloudFlare  .  CloudFlare is the  DOS protection cloud based service.
  • Blocks traffic by examining the IDS and IPS and implement to the Firewall Rules.
  • For CISCO  security tips for DoS and DDoS attack go to DoS_With_CISCO
For more information of DOS and DDOS visit

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